Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Treatment for Percocet Addiction at OpiateCare


There are many instances in the skewed timeline of humanity wherein people have been known to go through pitfalls due to some unwitting decision. In the times when people are going through sheer pain, painkillers seem like the only way out. And it’s a known fact that there are few painkillers on the market that completely have the ability to numb down the severest of physical pains. A few such examples can be Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Methadone and the most addictive of them all, Percocet. 

There are more than 208 million drug users in this world. For a number that big, what is even more shocking is the fact that 70% of these addicts started off with painkillers like the one’s mentioned above. When these legal prescription drugs become hard to get, that’s when patients and addicts turn to cheaper alternatives like heroin. Percocet addiction can cause physical damage to your body. Liver failures and kidney failures are a few examples of the havoc that this drug can wreck on your body. What is even more frightening is the fact that when a user quits the drug, the onset of withdrawal symptoms further compels the addict to use more Percocet. The effects also extend to overdoses that can lead to death.

So if you or a family member is unknowingly addicted to Percocet or any other prescription painkiller, the sooner action is taken the better. OpiateCare provides treatment for Percocet addiction in its many centers and with certified doctors by your stride, recovery will be much easier to achieve. For more information: 

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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Suboxone doctors ma: A giant leap in the face of medicines


 Medicine has been in existence ever since the early human beings discovered fire, or maybe even before that. But one thing we are sure of is that the field of medicine has taken giant leaps and bounds towards numerous advancements over the centuries. Initially people were more dependent on medicine that were extracted from natural sources such as plants and trees, but with the growing number of diseases called for better and stronger meds. And that is when antibiotics came into play. 

In today’s medical scenario we have technologies and drugs that seem like they’re straight from a science fiction film. We now have Valves for the heart which help people avoid cardiac arrests, we have medical robots that patrol hospital wards and monitor the conditions of patients, we have electronic aspirins that can be sent directly to the brain for an immediate effect, we have the bionic eye “Argus II”; a technology where in a camera feed from a sunglass is fed into an artificial retina on a blind person’s eye, and then we have Suboxone, the miracle drug that acts as a relief for patients suffering from heroin addiction. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Find the ‘way out’ with OpiateCare


It’s a sad thing to know that a person uses heroin, it’s a sadder situation when that very person looses all sense of realty whilst chasing the drug. Most heroin users have started out abusing prescription pain killers such as Oxycontin, Vicodin and Methadone and since these drugs are hard to come by easily, users turn towards heroin as cheap but powerful alternative.

 It is becoming increasingly known with hefty amounts of news reports that are circling around one major issue; the rise of heroin abuse in America and the world over.  The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that heroin abuse has doubled for Americans aged 18-25 in the past decade. In 2013 alone, 8200 people lost their lives to heroin overdoses and that number is four time that of heroin related deaths in the year 2002. So the question we face now is whether there is a stop to this? Can heroin users get off the drug with success? Fortunately, due to OpiateCare, the leading light of Heroin treatment center in MA, the procedure is possible.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Treatment for Percocet addiction – The things you didn’t know


When we hear the word ‘addiction’, either of these two things comes to mind; drugs or food. Luckily people who are addicted to food can get rid of it via stressful but comparatively easy means. But when the game shifts to drugs, it’s a whole new different level altogether. Now when the word ‘drugs’ comes up, what do you think of? Does the holy trinity of Heroin, cocaine and LSD come to mind? To some extent you guessed it right; these are the three drugs that have plagued civilizations for centuries. But another type of drug, something that’s horrifically legal, is overlooked by most individuals – Prescription pills, or to be more on point here – Percocet. Luckily you can seek help for percocet treatment in Massachusetts.
What is Percocet?
Percocet is the brand name of a prescription drug that combines Oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone, apart from its infamous abuse rate, is a full agonist opioid. It is derived from the morphine and at times, even heroin.
Percocet, like most opioids, activates the brain’s “feel good” centre. Users have claimed that the way the drug makes them feel is the reason they get hooked to it. But use a lot of it and it starts acting backwards. Just like heroin.

The consequences?
Percocet consumption, like most opioid based drugs has an unfortunate result. It can cause a person to choke, or in some cases even slow down breathing to the point that the heart stops. Percocet related deaths are on the decline but nonetheless it’s quite popular among long time drug addicts.

The cure?

Fortunately, a treatment for Percocet addiction is available at OpiateCare. The treatments might vary according to the level of addiction a person is suffering from; hence we cannot give you the precise names of the medicines right away. But once the patient is checked by our certified doctors, the medicines are administered in controlled doses which the patient cannot over do.